The short anime “Inu to Neko Docchi Mo Katteru to Mainichi Tanoshii” (“If I have both a dog and cat, my everyday life will be enjoyable”) is scheduled to be broadcast on TV from autumn 2020. In addition, it has been announced that Hanazawa Kana, Sugita Tomokazu, and others will be joining the cast, and also the key visual and the first promo video have been revealed.

The work is originally a manga posted by Matsumoto Hidekichi on his own SNS (Social Networking Service). It became a hot topic by achieving a total of 3 million retweets and 10 million likes.
The story depicts a fun everyday life by having two pets, a lovely dog and a cat that, even though its scary face, you could never hate.
Every day is spent with the owner with laughs and emotional tears… A luxurious life of a greedy owner who cannot help thinking how cute they are.