The manga “SAKAMOTO DAYS” was announced to receive a TV anime adaptation starting January 2025. Together, a teaser visual and a teaser trailer were revealed. The voice cast of the main character, Sakamoto Taro, was also announced to be Sugita Tomokazu and comments from the author Auzuki Yuto and director Watanabe Masaki have arrived.
“SAKAMOTO DAYS” is a comedic action manga by Suzuki Yuto serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2020 and has 5 million copies in circulation.
Sakamoto Taro, a former legendary hitman, fights against assassins sent for him alongside his friends to protect the peaceful life with his beloved family.
The newly released teaser visual is a hard-boiled portrayal of Sakamoto Taro in his past and present. The teaser trailer offers a glimpse into the lives of the members of Sakamoto’s Store, who form the story’s core alongside Sakamoto Taro. It also showcases the action scenes that are the series’ highlight, heightening our anticipation for the show.
Together, information about the main staff and cast members was also announced. Sakamoto Taro will be voiced by Sugita Tomokazu, famous for his roles such as Sakata Gintoki in “Gintama” and Hmejima Gyoumei in “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba”. Under director Watanabe Masaki of the “Battle Spirits” series and “Bartender”, anime production will be taken on by TMS Entertainment of the “Dr. STONE” series and “Yowamushi Pedal” series. Comments from the author Suzuki, director Watanabe, and Sugita as Sakamoto Taro have arrived.
The latest information will be announced from the official website and social media accounts. Let’s look forward to further updates about the “SAKAMOTO DAYS” TV anime adaptation.
Full comments below
Author: Suzuki Yuto
“SAKAMOTO DAYS” is becoming an anime!
Seeing my own work on TV is amazing!
This is all thanks to the support of the fans. Thank you so much!!
I hope we can continue to share the enthusiasm for “SAKAMOT DAYS”!
Thank you for your continued support!
Director: Watanabe Masaki
When I read the “SAKAMOTO DAYS” manga for the first time, I remember feeling excited by the dynamic action scenes.
I want the “SAKAMOTO DAYS” anime to have that feeling at the core and add the “movement”, “color”, and “sound” of video to add to the energy and speed.
Of course, we won’t forget the humorous moments of the manga, and we are also committed to faithfully portraying Sakamoto’s character as a hitman who cherishes his family and avoids killing others.
All the staff are working hard on this show, so please look forward to the release!
Sakamoto Taro’s voice actor: Sugita Tomokazu
What? “SAKAMOTO DAYS” is getting an anime adaptation? Oh, I’m in it?! What role? Sakamoto Taro?! That’s wonderful!!
I’ve recently put on some weight, so I’m perfect for the role.
Huh? Sakamoto becomes thin too? Yeah, that’s right…
Well, I never take on my roles half-heartedly. I’ll do my best. I appreciate your support!
TV Anime “SAKAMOTO DAYS” Basic Information
Broadcasting from January 2025!
Author: Suzuki Yuto (serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump)
Director: Watanabe Masaki
Series Composition: Kishimoto Taku
Character Design: Moriyama Yo
Production: TMS Entertainment
Sakamoto Taro voice actor: Sugita Tomokazu
(C)Suzuki Yuto/Shueisha, SAKAMOTO DAYS Production Committee