It was decided that the latest series of China anime “Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai!”, called “Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 4” (Total 12 episodes) will start its Japan broadcast from Oct. 2, 2020. Along with that announcement, the PV has been revealed and the campaign, where a signed shikishi of the casts, including Nakamura Yuichi and Amamiya Sora ,could be obtained through lottery has started.
“Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai!” is an anime series that has recorded a total of 5.1 billion views on China's video streaming service platform, “Tencent Video”.
From Aug. 5, advanced streaming of this work was conducted on the platform and the first five episodes has already exceeded 50 million views.
“Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 4” will start its broadcast from 9:54 PM, Oct. 2, 2020 ,on TOKYO MX.
Moreover, the Twitter campaign has started. By following the official Twitter account and retweet the selected tweet, a shikishi containing the signature of director Rareko, Nakamura Yuichi (voice of Shi Fen), Amamiya Sora (voice of Shi Miao), Ono Kensho (voice of Kai Xin), Hanae Natsuki (voice of Wan Sui & Wan Xing), and Morinaga Chitose (voice of Miaomiao) will be presented to one person among the users. Check out the official Twitter for more information.
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