The latest visuals of the main characters from the anime “Jujutsu Kaisen”, which is scheduled to be released on Oct. 2020, have arrived.

“Jujutsu Kaisen” is based on the manga by Akumi Gege, which is currently serialized on “Weekly Shonen Jump”. An ordinary high school student Kojou Yuujin eats “Ryoumen Sukuna's finger”, which is a special-rank cursed item, in order to rescue his friend and curse his own soul. Kojou begins to share his body with the curse “Ryoumen Sukuna” and enters Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College with the introduction by the best wizard called Gojou Satoru. This series recorded the sale of more than 6.8 million copies.

The new visuals released includes that of the protagonist Kojou Yuujin (CV: Enoki Junya), Fushiguro Megumi (CV: Uchida Yuuma), Kugisaki Nobara (CV: Seto Masami), Gojou Satoru (CV: Nakamura Yuuichi), Zenin Maki (CV: Komatsu Mikako), Inumaki Toge (CV: Uchiyama Kouki), Panda (CV: Seki Tomokazu), and Ryoumen Sukna (CV: Suwabe Junichi).
Unique characteristics of every character have been nicely designed, and raised expectation more to the anime release.

TV anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” will be broadcast from Oct. 2020 on 28 MBS/TBS related-channels “Super Animeism” on 1:25 am.

(C) Akumi Gege/Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee