From the spring anime “Detective Conan: Zero’s Tea Time,” a synopsis and sneak peek for the second episode “TIME.2,” which aired on Monday, April 11, 2022, have been released.
The original story of “Detective Conan: Zero’s Tea Time” is an official spin-off manga written by Arai Takahiro under the complete supervision of Aoyama Gosho, the original author of “Detective Conan” which has sold over 250 million copies worldwide. The total number of manga sold has exceeded 3 million copies.
It has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Sunday since 2018 and shows the daily life of Amuro Toru, a man with triple face: public security, detective, and black organization, that no one knows about.
The second episode is titled “TIME.2.”
Amuro perfectly performs each face, gathering information as Bourbon and tracking down fugitives as Furuya. As he goes about his daily training routine, he suddenly feels a cute presence…….
The second episode of “Detective Conan: Zero’s Tea Time,” “TIME.2,” was broadcast on April 11 on TOKYO MX and other stations.
(C) Arai Takahiro, Aoyama Gosho, Shogakukan, “Detective Conan: Zero’s Tea Time” Production Committee