The “Hitorishibai” series that features the all-out challenge of various cast members, including the voice actor Shimono Hiro, Satou Takuya, and Fukuen Misato, can be watched on the video streaming service “dTV”. A total of 11 works can be watched, including the “Larscott Gig’s Zoo” that features Shimono, Satou, and Fukuen.
The stage play “Hitorishibai” is a joint project between Kodansha and Office ENDLESS that was born from the thought of “Wanting the customer to see the appearance of the cast member on stage!”. It will feature the performance of the complete original story between an actor and a director.
It was revealed that a total of 11 works from the “Hitorishibai” series, which are Vol.1 “Decision” (Aramaki Yoshihiko X Okamato Takaya), and from Vol.3 “Solo Shadow Striker, or Second Top, or Line Breaker?” (Kitamura Ryou X Nishida Daisuke) to Vol.12 “Larscott Gig’s Zoo-Trialed Squirrel Mole” (Fukuen Misato X Suehara Takuma), are available on “dTV”.
Among the works, the Vol.11 “Larscott Gig’s Zoo- Crazy Elephant Clebaone” featuring Shimono is an omnibus drama that can be enjoyed together with Vol.10 “Larscott Gig’s Zoo- Toothless Tiger Gara” featuring Satou and Vol.12 “Larscott Gig’s Zoo-Trialed Squirrel Mole” featuring Fukuen.
The story takes place at the same zoo featuring the story of different animals, which are Shimono as the old elephant Clebaone, Satou as the tiger Gara, and Fukuen as the squirrel Mole.
Shimono is playing two roles, Clebaone filled with trouble, and the young girl Suzu, but since he is juggled between an old role and a young role, he is actually playing three roles instead. It seems that he is able to use his voice magnificently for an old role, young role, and young girl role.
Also, do check out the expression of Shimono. His peculiar but impressive performance that showsn off various expression, including hope, despair, and love, will surely surprise you. Under the original in-depth script of Suehara Takuma and the amazing performance of Shimono, the audience will surely be attracted to this mysterious world.
There is an after talk between Suehara and Shimono after the performance, which features the incident during the performance and the rehearsal situation. As well asNot only the performance, but we believe the fansfan will surely enjoy seeing the side of Shimono as a voice actor and a person. Please do take this chance to enjoy the stage play “Hitorishibai” series.
<11 Available Works of the Stage Play “Hitorishibai” Series>
・Hitorishibai Vol.1 “Decision” Aramaki Yoshihiko X Okamato Takaya
・Hitorishibai Vol.3 “Solo Shadow Striker, or Second Top, or Line Breaker?” Kitamura Ryou X Nishida Daisuke
・Hitorishibai Vol.4 “Kiss Scene at Tthis Mmoment” Hashimoto Shouhei X Nakayashiki Norihito
・Hitorishibai Vol.5 “La, La, La, Library” Itokawa Youjirou X Hosaka You X Matsuzaki Fumiya
・Hitorishibai Vol.6 “It’s Summer Vacation! Earth-san Show” Oohira Shunya X Kawamoto Naru
・Hitorishibai Vol.7 “Towering Unconscious The Show” Jinnai Shou X Isei Naohiro
・Hitorishibai Vol.8 “50%” Ueda Keisuke X Matsuzaki Fumiya
・Hitorishibai Vol.9 “Neverland Again” Shiina TNaizou X Hosaka You
・Hitorishibai Vol.10 “Larscott Gig’s Zoo- Toothless Tiger Gara” Satou Takuya X Suehara Takuma
・Hitorishibai Vol.11 “Larscott Gig’s Zoo- Crazy Elephant Clebaone” Shimono Hiro X Suehara Takuma
・Hitorishibai Vol.12 “Larscott Gig’s Zoo-Trialed Squirrel Mole” Fukuen Misato X Suehara Takuma