Minase Inori has appeared on the cover of “Seiyuu Animedia January 2021 Issue”, which was released on December 10, 2020. Furukawa Makoto was featured on the back cover.

Minase Inori has also appeared on the 25-pages long beginning article as she talks about the making episode of “Starlight Museum” (released on December 9) and her mental state after welcoming her 5th anniversary as a singer.
The magazine also contains a special article of Miyano Mamoru and a report of “Kiramune Company #55”, featuring Namikawa Daisuke and Yoshino Hiroyuki.

Also, Furukawa Makato, whose 1st album “from fairytale will be released on December 23, 2020, was featured on the back cover. The ending article has introduced his self-review on the making episode as well as all the songs.

A poster with a different photo of Minase Inori and Furukawa Makoto is appended to the magazine and a special bromide will be distributed as the purchase novelty.

“Seiyuu Animedia January 2021 Issue” is priced at 1,480 JPY (tax included), and it is currently available at nationwide bookstores, anime specialty stores, and other stores.