The release of the live-action movie “Tokyo Revengers” that is based on the “Tokyo Revengers” manga, which is serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine”, announced a postponement from the scheduled date of Oct. 9th, 2020. The reason for the postponement is the coronavirus infection spreading. We have also received a comment from director Hanabusa Tsutomu.
“Tokyo Revengers” is a manga serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” by Wakui Ken, who is famous for “Shinjuku Swan”. In addition to the live-action movie, TV anime series have also been announced.
The explanation of the postponement that has been published on the official website says: “It is a result of repeated studies of countermeasures to the domestic situation caused by the spread COVID-19”.
The new release date will be announced as soon as it is decided.
<Full comments are below>
Director Hanabusa Tsutomu
It took a long time to go between past and present Takemichi, shooting Mikey and Dragon, shooting Naoto, disturbing Kisaki…
I'm really sorry! Everyone who is looking forward to the release, please wait a little longer for the release!
C) Wakui Ken / Kodansha