The voice actor agency “Stay Luck” has announced that Ishikawa Kaito, renowned for his roles as Iida Tenya in “My Hero Academia” and Lance Crown in “MASHLE,” will be undergoing surgery for a vocal cord polyp in late May 2023. Consequently, he will be taking a one-month hiatus from his acting commitments. Ishikawa himself has also shared a comment regarding this matter on Twitter.
Ishikawa is a male voice actor who has taken on various roles such as Kageyama Tobio from “Haikyu!!”, Rikudo Rinne from “Rin-ne”, Genos from “One-Punch Man”, Iida Tenya from “My Hero Academia”, The Producer from “The Idolmaster SideM”, Azusagawa Sakuta from “Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai”, Onogi Kaito from “Tsurune”, Sada Mizuki from “Hinomaru Sumo”, “Iwatani Naofumi from “The Rising of the Shield Hero”, Machio Naruzo from “How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?”, and Lance Crown from “MASHLE”.
On May 10, Ishikawa’s agency “Stay Luck” made an official statement on their official website titled “Report Regarding Ishikawa Kaito”. The statement read “We would like to inform you that voice actor Ishikawa Kaito will undergo vocal cord polyp surgery in late May. Consequently, he will be taking a month-long break and recovery following the surgery.”
The explanation of the sequence of events followed, “We have been observing the worsening of the polyp since last year, and after consulting with a doctor, he has decided to undergo surgery.” Regarding the time of his return, “His return may vary give or take a few days, so we will provide an update on our website accordingly. He will participate in the scheduled events.”
After the announcement, Ishikawa himself reported on Twitter, “As mentioned in the announcement, I will be taking a break from late May for the surgery of my vocal polyp surgery.”
He apologized saying, “I sincerely apologize to all the relevant parties and everyone who supports me for any worry or inconvenience caused.” He then followed it with an enthusiastic post saying, “I’ll be active until my break from late May! I’ll get it all fixed up to continue pursuing my acting career!”
Many fans reacted to Ishikawa’s Twitter post by saying, “I love your voice Kaito-kun! Rest and take good care of yourself!!”, “Have a good rest. I’ll be waiting for your full recovery!”, “Please have a good rest. I’ll be praying for the success of your surgery!”, “I was shocked, but I respect Kaito-san’s courageous decision, and will continue to support you!”, “I love Kaito-kun’s acting and want to see more!!! Please take good care of yourself and get well soon!!!”, and “I look forward to hearing your lively voice after you return from your break!!”