The original animated movie “Bubble” produced by WIT STUDIO under the direction of Araki Tetsuro, known for “Attack on Titan”, will be released nationwide on May 13, and will be streamed worldwide on the NETFLIX on April 28. This time, the characters’ visuals based on the original draft by Obata Takeshi, known for “DEATH NOTE”, have been unveiled at once. In addition, information on the characters played by the gorgeous voice actors has been revealed.
“Bubble” is a gravity action love story about the feelings of a boy and a girl, set in Tokyo, where gravity was broken by the Bubble that had fallen into the world. The director is Araki Tetsuro, who quickly made a name for himself in the action world by the anime “Attack on Titan”, and WIT STUDIO, which has gained tremendous trust from anime fans, is in charge of production. The cast includes Shison Jun, who plays the main character Hibiki, Hirose Alice, who plays the role of scientist Makoto who investigates the Bubble, Miyano Mamoru, Kaji Yuki, Hatanaka Tasuku, and Senbongi Sayaka, Inoue Marina, and others who have been played the important characters in other Araki’s work.
The characters’ visual released this time is drawn by Kadowaki Satoshi, who is the general animation director of this work, based on the original draft created by Obata. Speaking of Kadowaki, as a member of WIT STUDIO, he has been the chief animation director of the “Attack on Titan” series. Even in this work, the charm of each character is vividly drawn, from the delicate expression to the dynamic appearance.
Obata, who did the original draft, said, “I did the original draft of the characters’ design. With the first impressions when I heard the story, and with ideas that I added and subtracted after that, it becomes what it is now. Not only Blue Blaze, but also other teams have their own motifs and are conscious of the team feeling. I would be happy if you could see that as well.” We have also received comments on the process of completion and the knowledge of the team.
In addition, the visuals of Hibiki, the main character played by Shison Jun, Makoto, a scientist investigating <Bubble> played by Hirose Alice, and Uta, whose cast has not been announced, have been revealed, and other characters played by the amazing voice actors have been unveiled. The appearance of unique characters is drawn against the background of the visuals against the background of the team color of Parkour’s team battle and battle cool, which is one of the important elements of this work.
In addition, Miki Shinichiro will appear as an additional voice actor. Information on his characters has also been announced.
Miyano Mamoru is in charge of Shin, who is as an older brother that everyone can rely on, Kaji Yuki is in charge of Kai, the leader of the team “Blue Blaze (commonly known as BB)” to which Hibiki belongs, and Senbongi Sayaka is in charge of the role of Usagi, who is a team member of BB.
The leaders of other cool teams who figth are Hatanaka Tasuku as the leader of the team “Electric Ninja”, Inoue Marina as the leader of the Odaiba-based team “Undertaker”, and Miki will be the leader of the Nerima-based team “Kanto Mad Lobster”. Please look forward to the masterpiece battle scenes that will be unfolded with each battle cool team to see what kind of activity the unique characters will show in the main story.
The movie “Bubble” will be released nationwide on May 13 and will be streamed worldwide on April 28 on NETFLIX.
(C) 2022 “Bubble” Production Committee