Amazon Prime Video, a service offering unlimited access to more than 10,000 popular movies and TV programs, announced new releases for March 2023. The lineup includes “One Piece Film: Red” for the “Domestic Animated Movie” section, “Minions: The Rise of Gru” for “International Animated Movie,” and “Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3” for the “Domestic TV Anime”.
In the “Domestic Animated Movie” section, “One Piece Film: Red” will be exclusively distributed from March 8.
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the serialization of the popular manga “One Piece,” which has sold over 500 million copies worldwide, Oda Eiichiro, the author of the original manga, served as the general producer of this film. The story centers around Uta, a world-class diva who hides her true identity. Nazuka Kaori and Ado played Uta, and the 7 artists including Nakata Yasutaka produced the music.
In the “International Animated Movie” section, “Minions: The Rise of Gru” will be exclusively available for unlimited viewing from March 23.
Set in the 1970s, the Minions are on a mission to rescue Gru, a boy whom they worship as their mini-boss, when he is kidnapped.
“Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3” will be available from March 4 at 6:00 pm in the “Domestic TV Anime” section for unlimited viewing.
This is the third part of the final season of the TV anime series based on Isayama Hajime’s hit manga “Attack on Titan.” The anime series marks its 10th anniversary this year.
In an attempt to destroy the world, Eren launches the “Rumbling,” releasing countless titans to begin their march. As they trample over everything in their path, those who are left challenge Eren to a final battle to stop him.
In addition, “Osomatsu-san”, a live-action film starring Snow Man based on the popular TV anime “Mr.Osomatsu,” will also be available from March 1.
Why not take this opportunity and enjoy the new anime and movies on Amazon’s Prime Video?