The TV anime of the adolescent hero comedy “Dokyuu Hentai HxEros”, which was said to be impossible to adapt into a video, is set to air in Jul. 2020. In addition, the 1st promotional video has been released.
This work is originally a manga with the same name, which is currently serialized in “Jump SQ.” by Shueisha. It became a hot topic for being considered as “the most aggressive work”.
The story is set on the Earth, which is invaded by a mysterious invader known as the “Kiseichuu”, who begin robbing people of the source of their erotic “H energy”, causing them to lose their will to live. Enjou Retto (voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu), a high school boy, joins the hero organization “HxEros” in order to save the Earth from the invader threat.
The promo video shows the members of the Earth Defense Corps, Saitama Subdivision, which are Enjou Retto and the heroine Hoshino Kirara (voiced by Kakuma Ai), along with a magnificent onscreen text. By watching the video which features impressive lines by Kirara such as, “What I hold in my heart will be revealed”, and the HxEros which changes EROS to H energy while fighting the “Kiseichuu”, will surely cause the fans to be more excited for the TV anime release.
(C)Kitada Ryouma / Shueisha, Dokyuu Hentai HxEros Production Committee