『Gyaru and Dinosaur』,currently being serialized in Kodansha's 「Young Magazine」,was announced to be made into an anime and a live action film in April 2020. The story follows the casual daily lives of a 'Gyaru'named Kaede and a "Dinosaur" that began living in her house.
『Gyaru and Dinosaur』 is a work based on a manga that was first serialized in 「Young Magazine」 on the 15th of October 2018.
It is the work of the couple MORI Moriko(Author) who became a hot topic with his manga 『I'll Chase After My Boyfriend Who Won't Reply to Me』 and TomimuraCota (Artist) who was well-known for her Twitter manga 『Memoir! The Father's Legend』.
A two-shot of Kaede and the Dinosaur was released together with the announcement of the adaptation as a teaser visual. The term "Gyaru" and "Dinosaur" is usually used on people who are incompatible with each other.
Putting aside all that, how will both of them (she and it?) interact with one another I wonder?
『Gyaru and Dinosaur』 will begin airing on TV in April 2020.
(C)MORI Moriko・TorimuCota/Kodansha・King Records