Eguchi Takuya, a voice actor known for his role as Lloyd Forger in the TV anime “SPY x FAMILY,” and “TAKALAKA,” which develops collaborative projects with popular voice actors, have released their 10th item from the “EGUMI” project. A comment from EGUMI has also arrived.
“EGUMI LEGACY,” a card game in which Eguchi supervised the worldview setting and character design, is the first new item from “EGUMI” in a year.
“EGUMI LEGACY” is a card game in which players, as explorers, seek to find the “EGUMI LEGACY” before the collapse of civilization with the help of various supernatural beings.
The objective is to find the “EGUMI LEGACY” from a hand, a deck (a bunch of unused cards) and ruins (cards lined up face down), and players aim to use the various effects depicted on the cards in their hand to their advantage.
In addition to playing the game, players can also enjoy framing the cards and displaying them in their rooms.
In addition to these new items, the lineup includes pajamas and mug cups decorated with “EGUMI LEGACY” characters, thick stickers of “EGUMI LEGACY” characters, and a clear pouch to store “EGUMI LEGACY” in.
You can incorporate the goods as part of your daily life by playing “EGUMI LEGACY” with your friends while wearing the pajamas and using the mug cup while wearing the pajamas.
Prices include tax: 2,750 JPY for the card game, 10,780 JPY for the pajamas, 2,420 JPY for the mug cup, 1,320 JPY for the thick stickers, and 2,640 JPY for the clear pouch. Each item will be available for pre-order at the “TAKALAKA” online store from May 2, 7:00 PM until May 9. The items will be shipped from late June to mid-July 2022.
[Eguchi Takuya]
This is the 10th commemorative issue!
This time, we made it into an even stronger Eguchi flavor. Lol. We’ve made a good one!
“EGUMI” 10th Edition
[Ordering period]
Order period: May 2, 2022 (Mon.) 7:00 PM – May 9, 2022 (Mon.) 11:59:59 PM
Shipping schedule: Late June to mid-July, 2022
(C) TAKALAKA all rights reserved.