The collaboration TV show between “Uma Musume Pretty Derby” and NHK with more than 70 years of history in broadcasting horse racing, “Anisong! Premium! ‘Uma Musume x Horse Racing SP'”, was broadcast at NHK on March 21 0:30. The show will focus on the glamours of horse racing.
“Uma Musume Pretty Derby” has become a social phenomenon on the world of anime/games/comics. The secret behind this sports genre series success lies in the fact that it is based on the actual reality of horse racing, including real figures, historical events, and locals. The amount of detail on even the smallest nuances from horse racing, make the fans of the sport go wild.
“Anisong! Premium! ‘Uma Musume x Horse Racing SP'” will offer a in-depth breakdown explained through the lens of “Uma Musume”. Featuring a session of comparing scenes from the franchise and real footage side-by-side, with commentary by long-time professional jockeys, the program will also unveil secrets, unknown episodes, and even deliver a special collaboration with horse racing legend Yutaka Take. A new song from “Uma Musume” is also set to be revealed for the first time on TV.
“Anisong! Premium! ‘Uma Musume x Horse Racing SP'” premiered on NHK network channels March 21, 0:30.
“Anisong! Premium! ‘Uma Musume x Horse Racing SP'”
NHK General TV March 21 (Mon) 0:30~1:20 *Midnight following the day of March 20 (Sun)