Netflix’s original anime series ‘The Way of the Househusband’ and ‘The Ingenuity of the Househusband’, a spin-off series featuring Kenjiro Tsuda, the main voice actor in the anime, will start the 2nd season on April 11th.
‘The Way of the Househusband’ is a gag comedy based on a manga by Kousuke Oono that is currently serialized in ‘Kurage Bunch’. The story is about Tatsu, a househusband who was once a legendary yakuza in the underworld, leading a peaceful life at home. Produced and distributed by Netflix, the anime series has not only topped the list of the domestic ranking but also ranked in the Top 10 overseas.
Episodes 1 to 5, known as ‘Part 1’, were broadcast in 2021. This time, the production of the sequel, Part 2 (episodes 6 to 10), was announced, which will include the popular and hilarious episodes from the original work, such as “Momotaro” and “Tapioca”. We will be able to enjoy the performance of big-name voice actors on TV, including Kenjiro Tsuda who plays Tatsu.
‘The Way of the Househusband’ Part 2 and ‘The Ingenuity of the Househusband’ Part 2, which depicts Kenjiro Tsuda trying to master the secret of household chores and a cat who warmly watches over him, will be on air on April 11th at 10 p.m. on TOKYO MX and other channels.
(C) Netflix (C) Kousuke Oono/Shinchosha
‘The Way of the Househusband’ 8 Volumes (Bunch Comics) ¥535
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