The first large scale exhibition of the manga artist Ishida Sui, known for the “Tokyo Ghoul” series, “Ishida Sui Exhibition ‘Tokyo Ghoul → JACKJEANNE'” will be held in Ikebukuro, Tokyo from February 2021, and Fukuoka from April 2021. The advance registration for Tokyo’s event has started from 12 noon, December 10, 2020, and the first original illustrated key visual for this exhibition has been revealed.
The theme of “Ishida Sui Exhibition ‘Tokyo Ghoul → JACKJEANNE'” is “The vicarious experience of the world of Ishida Sui, the works that were created from scratch”.
Not only can you immerse yourself in the world setting of the “Tokyo Ghoul” series in this exhibition, but this exhibition also contains various must-see contents for fans, including the first analog manuscript of Ishida’s earlier works, the precious setting information of the Nintendo Switch game “JACKJEANNE” (release on March 18, 2021) that Ishida Sui is handling the planning, character designs, and scenarios, and others.
The first key visual featuring Kaneki Ken from “Tokyo Ghoul” and Tachibana Kisa “JACKJEANNE” arrange next to each other, has been released. This visual was drawn by Ishida for this exhibition and it will surely increase the excitement toward this exhibition.
“Ishida Sui Exhibition ‘Tokyo Ghoul → JACKJEANNE'” will be held from February 6 until March 7, 2021, in Ikebukuro Sunshine City, Tokyo, and from April 10 until May 16, 2021, in Fukuoka Asian Art Gallery, Fukuoka.
The advance registration for Tokyo’s event has started from 12 noon, December 10, 2020.
Further details can be found on the official website.
(C)Sui Ishida/SHUEISHA(C)Sui Ishida/BROCCOLI