A limited-time shop for the TV anime “World Trigger” called “Dash Store” has opened in Ikebukuro and Akihabara in Tokyo, as well as in Tennoji in Osaka. The shop will be open until May 11, 2023, and offers new merchandise featuring newly drawn illustrations of the 18-year-old characters in white suits.
“World Trigger” is a sci-fi action anime based on the manga series serialized in “Jump SQ.” by Ashihara Daisuke. The anime follows the battle between the “Neighbors”, who are invaders from another world, and the organization called “Border” which strives to protect the world on “this side”.”
The first season of the TV anime aired from October 2014 to April 2016. After four and a half years, the second season aired from January to April 2021, and the third season from October 2021 to January 2022.
“TV anime World Trigger @ Dash Store”, which was also opened last year, offers new merchandise featuring newly drawn refreshing illustrations of the characters in white suits.
This year, the 18-year-olds, Touma Isami, Inukai Sumiharu, Kageura Masato, Kitazoe Hiro, Mizukami Satoshi, Ouji Kazuaki, Kurauchi Kazuki, Murakami Kou, Arafune Tetsuji, and Hokari Atsushi, are featured in the new items.
The items are “Acrylic Stand”, “Acrylic Key Chain”, “Character Badge Collection”, “Stickers”, “Seal Stickers”, “Trigger-shaped Connecting Acrylic Charm Collection vol.2”, “Postcard Set”, “Acrylic Badge Collection C/D”, “Pouch”, “Nekosuke’s Tissue Box Cover”, and “Point System Pin Badge”.
As an exclusive bonus for shopping at the Dash Store, customers will receive a “bromide” for every purchase worth 2,000 JPY (tax included). This makes it a must-visit destination for fans of the anime.
The limited-time shop for the TV anime “World Trigger”, called “TV Anime World Trigger @ Dash Store”, is now open until May 11 at Ikebukuro P’PARCO 3F, Animate Akihabara Building No.1, and Animate Tennoji. Additionally, an online shop is also available.
(C)Ashihara Daisuke/Shueisha, TV Asahi, Toei Animation