Streaming “Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Kingdom Special Program”, which is a special program of “Uta no Prince-sama”, was supposed to be broadcast on “U-NEXT” from Apr. 19. But it has been called off due to the declaration of a state of emergency against the spread of the new coronavirus.
“Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Kingdom Special Program”, broadcast of which has been called off this time, is a visual commentary program that 17 voice actors such as Terashima Takuma, Miyano Mamoru, Suzumura Kenichi, and others will appear and talk while looking back on the movie.
It was supposed to be a special program to be streamed in connection with postponing holding “Uta no Prince-sama Maji LOVELIVE 7th STAGE”.
Commentary about the streaming postponement had been published on the official website, “We have made such a decision as a result of considering the safety of the performers and the staff members. We apologize for everyone who has been looking forward to it”.