A special program of “Uta no Prince-sama” titled “Movie Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Kingdom Special Program” will be exclusively distributed on U-NEXT from Apr. 19, 2020. Prior to the show, the movie “Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Kingdom” will also be re-broadcast exclusively on U-NEXT.

The special program features 17 voice actors, including Terashima Takuma, Miyano Mamoru, Suzumura Kenichi, Suwabe Junichi, Taniyama Kishou, Shimono Hiro, Toriumi Kousuke, Morikubo Showtaro, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Aoi Shouta, Maeno Tomoaki, Midorikawa Hikaru, Ono Daisuke, Uchida Yuuma, Takahashi Hidenori, Kimura Ryouhei, and Yamashita Daiki. It will be a visual commentary that looks back on the film and opens up a talk session that can only be heard here in the show.

The special program “Movie Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love Kingdom Special Program” is scheduled to be broadcast exclusively on U-NEXT from 10:00 pm, Apr. 19 until 11:59 pm, May 6. It is priced at 3,600 yen (excluding tax) and can be viewed for a total of seven days.