A Valentine-only special collaboration between Hankyuu Umeda Store and the voice actor Okamoto Nobuhiko is scheduled to be held. The in-store broadcast by Okamoto Nobuhiko titled “Valentine Chocolate Hakurankai 2020 no Uriba Shoukai” will be held along with a talk show from Jan. 22, 2020.
“Valentine Chocolate Hakurankai 2020” is held at Hankyuu Umeda Store, where many chocolate's fans come to visit every year (from Jan. 22 to Feb. 14). A total of 300 brands and 3000 types of chocolate are lined up, where the fans can enjoy various chocolate sweets including soft-served ice cream. In addition, events such as a chocolate seminar by chocolatiers will be held, gaining popularity as a chocolate festival.
The voice actor Okamoto Nobuhiko will be joining the event this year.
During the event , an in-store broadcast by Okamoto Nobuhiko titled “Valentine Chocolate Hakurankai 2020 no Uriba Shoukai” will be aired exclusively on the 9th floor where the venue is held. It will be broadcast every hour from 10 am to 6 pm, with a total of 9 patterns.
In addition, a talk event will be held twice (about 60 minutes each) from 1:30 pm and 6 pm. If you're a fan, you should come check it out!
“Valentine Chocolate Hakurankai 2020” is scheduled to be held at Hankyuu Umeda Store, 9th floor, from Jan. 22 to Feb. 14.