It has been decided that “Kanojo mo Kanojo” serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” will be adapted to TV anime in 2021. This is the fastest anime adaptation in the history of “Weekly Shonen Magazine”, which is an unprecedented speed of only 8 months from the start of the serialization.
“Kanojo Mo Kanojo” is based on the comic of the same name by Hiroyuki, known for “Aho Girl”.
The main character, Naoya, who has been confessing his feelings for his childhood friend Saki for years and is finally able to go out with her as a high school student, loves her so much that he expresses his love for her even in front of his classmates. However, he suddenly gets a confession of love from his insanely cute classmate Nagisa. Even though he has a girlfriend… …What would you do if another girl confessed to you? I have a girlfriend that I’m dating. But he doesn’t want to dump the cute girl. After such a painful struggle, the protagonist comes to a conclusion: ……… A neo-standard romantic comedy is drawn.
In addition to the announcement of the anime adaptation, the creator, Hiroyuki, sent in a delightful illustration and comment.
“Kanojo Mo Kanojo” will be broadcast as a TV anime in 2021. Details of the cast and other information will be announced in the future.
Hiroyuki’s comment
I’m so glad “Kanojo mo Kanojo” is going to become an anime! I’m really looking forward to seeing how cute the girls are going to be in the anime too!