August 23 is Miyake Kenta’s birthday.

Miyake Kenta made his debut in late 1990’s. He has played various roles, including reliable, tall characters, a trickster who spoils the atmosphere, and even to nonhumans, and won the supporting actor award at the 13th Seiyuu Award. He appears in “My Hero Academia”, “SK8 the Infinity”, and “Vlad Love”, and he is also known for dubbing the movies from overseas.

Here at Anime!Anime!, to celebrate Miyake Kenta’s birthday, we conducted a readers survey titled, “Who is your favorite character played by Miyake Kenta?”, and a total of 144 people answered the survey between August 7 to August 14, 2021.
The male-female ratio had higher percentage for females with approximately 55%, while males approximately 45%. For the age group, the minors made up approximately 40% and 20’s made up approximately 30%.

■Characters with overwhelming powers ranked in!

1st Place

The 1st place was All Might from “My Hero Academia”. The support rating was approximately 55%, and he dominated the ranking by receiving more than half of the total number of votes.

All Might is the number 1 hero, who is the symbol of peace. The readers commented, “If someone said ‘I am here’ with Miyake-san’s voice when I am in trouble, I am certain that I can relax. All Might, the symbol of peace, is the best hero together with voice of Miyake-san” and “Miyake-san’s low voice and acting with passion are matching completely”, and the comments often mentioned that his power is persuasive.
“It is also charming that atmosphere changes in True Form, and the voice with kindness is wonderful”. Miyake-san plays a character with different impressions.

2nd Place
The 2nd place was Scar from “FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST”. The support rating was approximately 7%.
Scar is the consecutive alchemist killer. He is called “Scar” because he has a big scar on face, while his true name is not revealed. The fans commented, “He is the revenger with a terrible background and past as well as a radical but dutiful dark hero. He is a strong rival but was so reliable when fighting together” and “He lives straight and is cool when he continues to hide his true name until the end”. While he belongs to the opponent side, there are many fans being charmed by him.

3rd Place
The 3rd place went to Muhammad Avdol from “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders”. The support rating was approximately 6%.
Muhammad is a fortune teller from Egypt. He is also the master of the fire stand called Magicians Red. He was popular for acting with passion, and “He is one of the brightest characters among unique ‘Jojo’ series. I love how he is filled with passion and values his friends” and “Miyake-san’s strong voice synchronized with his character, and I believe they match nicely”.

■introducing other comments!

Tsume from “WOLF’s RAIN”: “While understanding the gap between the protagonist, it is impressive that he continues on his journey even though he is still unsatisfied with the current status, and he is the cool character anyways.”
Gordon from “Thomas & Friends”: “He is usually bossy, but he is actually kind and I love Gordon, a tender-type steam train in the reliable, older brother position. I always laugh at his favorite lines, ‘Here comes an express train!” and ‘Oh my gosh!’”.

Zeusu from “Zentrix”: “I still remember the change in voice from comical ones to serious ones.”
Thor from “Mighty Thor”: “Dubbing expresses the coolness and comicalness well. I got to love Christoher Hemsworth, the original actor, after watching the movie with the thick and wild voice of Miyake-san.”

The powerful characters, including the teacher or the rival of the protagonist, ranked high in this ranking. This result reassures how he expressed the charms of the characters with overwhelming powers.

■Ranking Top 5
1st: All Might from “My Hero Academia”
3rd: Muhammad Avdol from “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders”
4th: Thor from “Mighty Thor”
5th: Gordon from “Thomas& Friends”
5th: Cocytus from “OVERLORD”

■ Ranking Top 10
[Who is your favorite character played by Miyake Kenta?]
1st: All Might from “My Hero Academia”
3rd: Muhammad Avdol from “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders”
4th: Thor from “Mighty Thor”
5th: Gordon from “Thomas& Friends”
5th: Cocytus from “OVERLORD”
7th: Shadow from “SK8 the Infinity”
8th: Jiroubou from “NARUTO”
8th: Tsume from “WOLF’s RAIN”
8th: Mike Zacharias from “Attack on Titan”

(Survey conducted from August 7 to August 14, 2021)