“Chainsaw Man” is written by Fujimoto Tatsuki, and was serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump”
until December 2020. Its original exhibition “Chainsaw Man Manga Exhibition” will be held at an event space “SpaceHACHIKAI” on the 8th floor of Tower Records Shibuya from 2021 Jun. 12.

In this exhibition, there will be a valuable display of full-colored copies that give a glimpse of behind-the-scenes of production, the real Chainsaw Man, a recreation of the living room of the Hayakawa’s house, photo spot, and etc.

At the venue, “Manga Exhibition Original Goods” are on sale in advance. Furthermore, Shueisha Original Goods are also on presale, and Premium Replica will be available for order. Upon purchase, you will be given access to exclusive bonuses.

“Chainsaw Man Manga Exhibition” will be held at an event space “SpaceHACHIKAI” on the 8th floor of Tower Records Shibuya from June 12.

(C)Fujimoto Tatsuki / Shueisha