The 2nd PV of “Pretty Boy Detective Club”, which will be on air from April 10, 2021, has been released. The additional cast members include Sakamoto Maaya, Nanami Hiroshi, and Toriumi Kosuke.
“Pretty Boy Detective Club” is based on a novel series written by Nishio Ishin and published by Kodansha Taiga. The story is set in Yubiwa Private Academy, and revolves around ‘Pretty Boy Detective Club’, a mysterious group that is said to solve problems in the school for informal, private, and non-profit purposes.
In the 2nd PV, the voice of Dojima Akemi, who asks Pretty Boy Detective Club to look for the star, has been revealed. Sakamoto Maaya voices her. Also, Nanami Hiroki and Toriumi Kosuke have been announced to be the additional cast in the video. You can listen to the opening theme ‘Shake & Shake’ sung by sumika as well. Kataoka Kenta as Vo./Gt. has left some comments.
The TV anime “Pretty Boy Detective Club” will be on air on a total of 24 ABC TV and TV Asahi franchised stations from April 10, 2021.
(C)Nishio Ishin / Kodansha, Aniplex, Shaft