Manga “Attack on Titan”, which also has an anime adaptation, will be completed in the May issue of “Bessatsu Shonen Magazine” (released on April 9, 2021). To commemorate this, a character popularity vote has been announced.
“Attack on Titan” is a dark fantasy manga by Isayama Hajime serialized since the first issue of “Bessatsu Shonen Magazine” in 2009.
To vote for the character popularity vote announced this time, an application ticket attached to the April issue (released on March 9) or the May issue of “Bessatsu Shonen Magazine” is required, and the results will be announced in “Attack on Titan Full Color “Comics” (scheduled to be released this summer) and on the official website.
Also, in the April issue of “Bessatsu Shonen Magazine”, along with the main story of “Attack on Titan”, the 7th most popular vote “Episode 81 Promise” will be published as the second full-color publication.
Moreover, in the manga app “Magapoke”, “Giant’s popularity vote” will also be held as a “back” of popular project vote, and the name of the latest story is also limited to the public.
Please keep following the news of “Attack on Titan”, which is getting more and more exciting toward the final episode.