A limited-time campaign “#ListeningGagaga”, where you can listen to the light novel “Gagaga Bunko” audiobook that are voiced by the voice actors including Hatano Wataru, Itou Kento, Nakao Ryuusei, Serizawa Yuu, Asumi Kana, Ueda Reina, and Yamashita Nanami,are currently held. Originally scheduled until Apr. 30, 2020, it will be extended to May. 1 to 7.
The audiobook of “Gagaga Bunko” is produced by voice actor office 81 Produce and the light novel label “Gagaga Bunko” (Shogakukan) in collaboration with “Light novel to enjoy with your ears”.
“ListenGagaga” is a campaign to celebrate the 1st anniversary of streaming which provides different “Gagaga Bunko” audiobook everyday everyday as a part of unlimited use of “audiobook.jp” from Apr.1 to 30.
But since this project had received great attention, the period has been extended until May. 7, and “Chitose-kun is a Ramune Bottle”, and the latest audiobooks, which started streaming in Mar. or Apr. 2020, will also be added to the target works.