The romantic comedy manga “Rent-A-Girlfriend” (serialized on “Weekly Shonen Magazine”) becomes a TV anime series. The cast for the main characters, such as the beautiful Mizuhara Chizuru voiced by Amemiya Sora, has been announced. To prepare for the broadcast in Jul. 2020, the first dating visuals and teaser has been revealed.

“Rent-A-Girlfriend” is originally the romantic comedy manga by Miyajima Reiji which has a total of 3 million copies published.
The protagonist Kinoshita Kazuya was dumped by his girlfriend. The madcap love story full of heart-pounding love begins with him meeting the beautiful Mizuhara Chizuru.

On this occasion, the main cast was announced; Amemiya Sora as Mizuhara Chizuru, Yuuki Aoi as Nanami Mami, Touyama Nao as Sarashina Ruka, Takahashi Rie as Sakurasawa Sumi, and Horie Shun as the protagonist Kinoshita Kazuya.

TV anime “Rent-A-Girlfriend” will be broadcast from Jul. 2020.

(C)Miyajima Reiji・Kodansha/”Rent-A-Girlfriend” Production Committee