The summer anime “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S” produced by Kyoto Animation and the maid café “at home café Main 7F” in Akihabara, Tokyo, will collaborate from September 1 for a limited period. During the period, original menus and goods sales will be available.
“at home café” is a maid café of long-standing that celebrated its 17th anniversary in August 2021. It has been working with various characters and creators’ contents in collaboration, and the new collaboration has been announced to be with “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S”.
The collaboration illustration was drawn by Kyoto Animation, featuring the 5 dragon girls, Tohru, Kanna, Elma, Lucoa, and Ilulu, wearing the maid uniforms at “at home café”.
Moreover, if you order the collaboration menus or desserts such as “I Love You So Much, Miss Kobayashi! Omelette with Rice-Filled with Tohru’s Love”, you will receive an original place mat (1 design in total) featuring the illustration. If you order collaboration drinks, you will receive a coaster featuring the motif character of the drink you order.
Furthermore, premium maids in the original hommage costumes inspired by “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S” will serve you at “at home café”.
The goods featuring the newly drawn visual will be sold in two rounds. Please visit if you are a fan.
The “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S” × ‘at home café’ collaboration will be held from September 1 to 30 at “at home café Main 7F”.
Please visit the designated website for more details.
(C) Coolkyousinnjya, Futabasha / Dragon’s Life Improvement Committee