“Kiyo in Kyoto”, the anime currently broadcast on NHK Wolrd JAPAN, was announced to be broadcast on NHK E-Tele from October 2021.
“Kiyo in Kyoto” is based on the manga by Koyama Aiko. Set in Kyoto’s hanamachi, the story warmly depicts the lives of Kiyo, who cooks for the Maikos every day, Sumire, a promising Maiko who is said to be “one of the best in a hundred years”, and the other Maikos living with them, through delicious meals.
The story is filled with episodes about the glamourous hanamachi and its backstage, as well as Kiyo’s meals. Hanazawa Kana will be playing Kiyo and M・A・O will be playing Sumire. The other cast members include Takayama Minami, Matsuda Satsumi, Katakai Kaoru, and Koyama Rikiya.
The anime “Kiyo in Kyoto” will be broadcast on NHK E-Tele from October 2021.
(C) Koyama Aiko, Shogakukan / NHK, NEP