From the TV anime “Godzilla S. P
“Godzilla S.P” is the hybrid anime of hand-drawn animation and computer graphic technology by the animation studio Bones and Orange (known for high quality CG animation) team to produce the completely new original story, different from past “Godzilla” movie series.
A female researcher Kamino Mei and the male engineer Arikawa Yun help each other to challenge the upcoming disaster on humans together with their community.
In episode 4, Yun and Habel think that Misakioku relates deeply with Radon’s appearance, and they contact Satou for further reasearch.
At the same time, Mei encounters with a man named Kai, who identifies as a messenger of Lee, and received an invitation to Dubai along with a mysterious cube. There she meets Lee herself, who explains about the new substance called “Archetype” in the land of the Middle East.
Meanwhile, at the research lab in Uppsala, India, the scientist, BB, opens the protected barrier that leads underground for a certain investigation…
“Godzilla S.P
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