Spider-Man from the “Toei Version Spider-Man,” also known as 'Toei TV series “Spider-Man”,' appears as part of the action figure 'S.H.Figuarts' series. It is scheduled to be released on Aug. 2020.

The product 'S.H.Figuarts Spider-Man (Toei TV series “Spider-Man”)' is the action figure of the main character “Iron Cross Killer” Spider-Man from the Toei TV series “Spider-Man” that was aired since 1978. This title left a huge impact on the history of the Tokusatsu TV series.

Not only the changeable parts express the subtle expressions of the eyes that can be seen in the play. Also, the Spider-bracelet with open-closing function allows the reproduction of the posture to summon the transforming giant robot, 'Leopardon'.

Three different types of Spider Strings and wide-opened Spider Net are also included, allowing to reproduce the free-transforming action poses just like an image from the play.

'S.H.Figuarts Spider-Man (Toei TV series “Spider-Man”)' is priced at 7,150 Yen (Tax Incl.). It is scheduled to be released on Aug. 2020. More details are available from 'Tamashii Web'.

(C)2020 MARVEL Based on original 1978 Spider-Man TV Series created by TOEI Company, Ltd.