From the tokusatsu drama produced by Toei called “Spider-Man”, the gigantic robot from its episode, “Leopardon”, is recreated by “Super Mini-Pla”. Pre-order is available at “Premium Bandai”.
This product allows change from Marveler to Leopardon. In addition to Sword Vigor, Spider Protector, the several effect parts which allow the recreation of Spider Machine Gp-7 storage scene, Sword Vigor throwing scene, and Arm Rocket discharge scene are included in the product.
Furthermore, the special stage which allows the product to be displayed in the flying form, is also included.
The price for “Super Mini-Pla Spider-Man Leopardon” is 4,950 JPY (tax included), and pre-order is available at “Premium Bandai”. The shipping is scheduled on Aug. 2020.
(C)2020 MARVEL Based on original 1978 Spider-Man TV Series created by TOEI Company, Ltd.