In advance of the broadcast of the eighth and final episode of the TV anime "Psyco-Pass 3", a special illustration by character designer Amano Akira has been revealed. The illustration features Shindou Arata and Kei Michael Ignatov looking straight ahead along with Azusawa Koichi.
"Psyco-Pass" began in 2012 as an original TV animation series followed with its second season in 2014 and the movie in 2015. In 2019, "Psyco-Pass: Sinners of the System" trilogy debuted in theaters. The latest installment, "Psyco-Pass 3" is the story of two rookie inspectors, Shindou Arata and Kei Michael Ignatov, developing a new age of the "Psyco-Pass" series.
The eighth episode of TV anime "Psyco-Pass 3" will be broadcast in "Noitamina", Fuji TV on Dec. 12, 2019.
(C)Psyco-Pass Production Committee