New collective e-bookstore “Zebrack” service starts, packed with “Weekly Shonen Jump”’ “One Piece”, “Demon Slayer” and many others Shueisha shonen manga, shojo manga, seinen manga and light novels. In the service will see works released from “Jump Comics”, “Young Jump Comics”, “Ribbon Mascot Comics”, “Margaret Comics”, “Jump j Books”and digital photo albums etc.

The “Zebrack” service is available as a website and iOs/Android app. The service was released to bring works released by Shueisha to as many people as possible. Also to create a system to bring back regards through utilizing their sales experience and data.

The service adopts a “Read Chapter” system that allows to read single chapters instead of whole volumes, attaching tickets that allow to read 1 chapter of a target series.
Using the ticket to read 1 chapter will release 1 more ticket that allows the user 1 more chapter of a target series of their choice: the so-called “Wait and Read” system.
The range of “Wait and Read” chapters of series such as “One Piece”, “Demon Slayer”, “The Promised Neverland” is also wider than other stores.

The implementation of subscriptions to “Weekly Shonen Jump”, “Jump SQ.”, “Ultra Jump” is also scheduled. Furthermore, until December 28th 2019 a campaign targeting all users reduces “Read Chapter” waiting time recovery from 23 hours to 12 hours.