A newly recorded song, “Hyakka Ryoran, Akatsukiyo (2025 ver.)”, has been created by the unit “Akatsuki”, which now consists of four members including a new addition, from the app game “Ensemble Stars!!”. The full version will be released worldwide on January 9, 2025. Additionally, a solo song by the new member, Taki Ibuki, titled “Longing Identity”, will be released on January 21.

“Ensemble Stars!!”, or “EnStars” for short, is an app game that began service in April 2015 as “Ensemble Stars!” and was refreshed in 2020. Players can produce various unique idols.

The series has been adapted into anime, movies, comics, stage plays, and more, and live events featuring the voice actors who play the idols have also been held.

In this series, the unit “Akatsuki” has been formed by Hasumi Keito (voiced by Umehara Yuichiro), Kiryu Kuro (voiced by Kamio Shinichiro), and Kanzaki Souma (voiced by Kaminaga Keisuke). With the addition of the new member, Taki Ibuki (voiced by Kobayashi Chiaki), the reborn “Akatsuki” has released a new recording of the song “Hyakka Ryoran, Akatsukiyo (2025 ver.)”.

Also, a solo song by the new member, Taki Ibuki, titled “Longing Identity”, will be released on January 21. Pre-adds/pre-saves are now being accepted from January 9. This song expresses his anticipation for the world in a cool tone.

Akatsuki’s new recording of “Hyakka Ryoran, Akatsukiyo (2025 ver.)” is now available from January 9. For more details, please visit the “Ensemble Stars!!” SONG LINEUP portal site.

■Release Information
January 9, 2025 (Thursday)
“Hyakka Ryoran, Akatsukiyo (2025 ver.)”
Lyrics: Mel*
Composition: Harada Atsushi (Arte Refact)
Arrangement: Yamamoto Kyohei (Arte Refact)

【Track List】
01. Hyakka Ryoran, Akatsukiyo (2025 ver.)
02. Hyakka Ryoran, Akatsukiyo (2025 ver.) (Instrumental)

Hasumi Keito (voiced by Umehara Yuichiro), Kiryu Kuro (voiced by Kamio Shinichiro), Kanzaki Souma (voiced by Kaminaga Keisuke), Taki Ibuki (voiced by Kobayashi Chiaki)

To be released on January 21, 2025 (Tuesday)
“Longing Identity”
Lyrics: Matsui Yohei
Composition: NullPencil_ & Wolf Kid (Digz, Inc. Group)
Arrangement: Wolf Kid (Digz, Inc. Group)

【Track List】
01. Longing Identity
02. Longing Identity (Instrumental)
Vocals: Taki Ibuki (voiced by Kobayashi Chiaki)
(C) 2014-2019 Happy Elements K.K