“Nijiyon,” a spin-off comic of “Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club,” has announced the production of its first short anime, “Nijiyon Animation.” The anime will be broadcast on TOKYO MX and BS11 from January 2023.
The “Love Live!” series is a school idol project that develops in all media under the concept of “a story that makes our dreams come true.” The “Nijigasaki High School Idol Club” started its activities in 2017, following μ‘s and Aqours of the “Love Live!” series.
The members belong to the school idol club of Nijigasaki Gakuen, a private school in Odaiba, Tokyo. While pursuing their dreams, the members strive to become the No. 1 school idol as rivals and friends.
The group held the “Nijigasaki High School Idol Club 4th Live! ~Love the Life We Live~,” its first dome concert in Kansai on February 26 and 27 at Kyocera Dome Osaka. The second season of the TV anime started broadcasting in April 2022. Moreover, in September 2022, they held the “Nijigasaki High School Idol Club 5th Live! Niji ga Saku Basho” at Tokyo Garden Theater and Musashino no Mori Sogo Sports Plaza Main Arena, further expanding their range of activities.
They announced the production of the short animation, “Nijiyon Animation,” comic of “Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club.” The anime will be broadcast on TOKYO MX and BS11 from January 2023. Wait for the follow-up report for detailed information including the airdate.
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