“Haken Anime!”, a film about people struggling in the animation industry (to be released nationwide on 20 May 2022) will feature the theme song ‘Eclair’, a new song written by the five-piece band Jenny High, including Kawatani Enon. Kouno Marika has been chosen as a guest vocalist.

The film is based on a novel by Naoki Prize-winning author Tsujimura Mizuki, and it is a “work film” set in the Japanese animation industry, depicting people struggling to win the title of the most successful animation (haken). The story revolves around the protagonist Saito Hitomi (Yoshioka Riho), who jumped into the animation industry from a local government industry and competes for supremacy with star director Oji Chiharu (Nakamura Tomoya), whom she admires, in his directorial debut film.

“Jenny High”, the theme song, will be played by the special band made up of an unprecedented, unique and eminent line-up: Koyabu Kazutoyo on drums, Kukki! (Yasei Bakudan) on bass, Niigaki Takashi on keyboards, Nakajima Ikkyu (tricot) on vocals, and Kawatani Enon (Gesu no Kiwamiotome / indigo la End) on guitar as a producer.

The new song ‘Eclair’, written by the band, is said to be a unique song that conveys the unique and energetic vibes of the animation industry. The title is said to come from ‘eclair’, which often appears in the film as Saito Hitomi’s favorite food.

To our surprise, Kouno, who plays as a popular idol voice actress ‘Gunno Aoi’ in the film, joins the song as a guest vocalist. The superb voice cast who participated in the animated film “Soundback: Kanade no Ishi” and “Fatal Front Lidelight” within this film as a call out, including Kaji Yuki, Han Megumi, Takahashi Rie and Hanazawa Kana.

Kawatani wrote the song inspired by his collaboration with the voice actors from this film, which matches the exhilarating sound of Jenny High with Kouno’s bright voice. Kouno says of her participation in the song, “I am very honored to even participate in the theme song for my first film”.

Jenny High Kawatani Enon’s Comment
The film was just so much fun, and I rejected songs so many times because I was so determined to make a song that would be as good as the film. I think I’ve thought about “what is pop music” more than ever before. I think that the hardships I went through made me feel more emotionally involved with the characters who were struggling to be the best in the animation industry. The voice actors also took part in the music, and we created a pop Jenny High that has never been seen before. Please enjoy it along with the film.

Yoshioka Riho’s Comment
When I first heard of the music, I couldn’t help but say it was cute. It has something in common with the sense of color in the animation in the film, and I think the pure and passionate sound will leave a pleasant aftertaste when I leave the theater. The éclair also appears in the film and is an important item that conveys emotions. I think you will feel a different quality when you listen to the song while remembering the eclair in the film. As a performer, I am very happy that he wrote a wonderful theme song for me!

Kouno Marika’s Comment.
I am very honored to even participate in the theme song for my first film. I did a technical recording of ‘Eclair’, which I’ve never experienced before. I feel that the power of the finished soundtrack showed me the greatness of the music created by Jenny High. I hope you’ll also pay attention to the lyrics, where any creators feel emotional!

(C) 2022 Film “Haken Anime!” Production Committee