A new series of the TV anime “Pokémon” featuring two characters, a girl named Liko and a boy named Roy, will be broadcast on April 14, 2023. Following the new information about Liko, which was revealed in last week’s broadcast, further information about the other main character, Roy, has also been disclosed.
The TV anime “Pokémon” is currently airing “Pokémon: Mezase Pokémon Master,” the final chapter of the story of Ash and Pikachu. The new series, scheduled to start on April 14, will feature two characters, Liko and Roy, in their adventures along with many Pokémon, including Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly, from the latest Nintendo Switch game, “Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.”
In the episode broadcast on February 17, 2023, further information about Roy was revealed: he possesses a mysterious monster ball. What is this monster ball, which looks somewhat old-fashioned but has various decorations?
In addition, illustrations depicting various expressions of Roy have also been unveiled.
The TV anime “Pokémon” airs every Friday at 18:55 on TV Tokyo, and more information about the new series, which starts on April 14, 2023, will be announced in future episodes. We look forward to hearing more in the near future.
(C) Nintendo・Creatures・GAME FREAK・TV Tokyo・ShoPro・JR Kikaku (C)Pokémon