The new serialization “The Elusive Samurai” by Matsui Yuusei, known known for “Neuro: Supernatural Detective” and “Assassination Classroom”, has started on “Weekly Shounen Jump” 2021 Vol. 8 (released on January 25) since 5 years. The first chapter is consists of 52 pages (inclusive of cover page and front-color page), which also depicts the new world setting.

Matsui Yuusei’s work “Neuro: Supernatural Detective” was serialized from 2005 to 2009, while “Assassination Classroom” was serialized from 2012 to 2016″ on “Weekly Shounen Jump”. Both of them are popular works that have gotten an anime adaptation.

The latest work “The Elusive Samurai” has the catchphrase of “Historical Spectacular Running Away Heroic Tale”, and depicts the main protagonist, who becomes a hero by running away. Together with the start of the serialization, the cover page and front-color page of “Weekly Shounen Jump” vol. 8 have been released.

Along with “The Elusive Samurai”, “Weekly Shounen Jump” will also have a new serialization for four continuous weeks. The next is “Aiterushi” by Inaoka Kazusa (“Invade You!”), followed by “Witch Witch” by Shinohara Kenta (“Astra Lost in Space” and “SKET DANCE”), and the last is “Clones Ball Parade”, written by Kamada Yuuki, and illustrated by Fukui Ashibi.

(C) Matsui Yuusei/ Shueisha
(C) Weekly Shounen Jump 2021 Vol. 8 / Shueisha