The short anime “Kintamani Dog” will be broadcast on ABC TV, TV Aichi, and 4 other channels in January 2021. At the same time, the visuals of the characters played by Aoi Shouta and Morikawa Toshiyuki have been released.
“Kintamani Dog” is a sweet short anime about Kinta, “Anjin Kintamani Bali”, which is also known as “a dog that brings happiness”, breed from Bali, a popular tourist destination as a power spot, who travels to find his father, who disappeared when he was a kid.
The main character, Kinta, is played by Aoi Shouta, and the fairy Dudal, who travels with Kinta, by Kunihiro Kawashima, while Furihata Ai plays Kinta’s younger sister Mani, and Morikawa Toshiyuki plays Kinta’s father who has disappeared.
Kunihiro is in charge of designing the released character visuals. It has become a Kimokawa character with the Kunihiro World fully open.
The short animation “Kintamani Dog” will start broadcasting on ABC TV, TV Aichi, and 4 other channels from January 2021.