It is decided that the broadcast of “Youjo Shachou”, where the anime adaptation was announced previously, will start on January 1, 2021, on the official website, Twitter, and other websites.
“Youjo Shachou” is based on the same-name manga by Fujii Odeko that is published by KADOKAWA. It is a gag manga that features various unique characters, including the Mujina Najimu, the 5-years old president.
Starting from January 1, 2020, the anime will be broadcasted weekly on the official website and official Twitter. Other than the official website, the paid streaming video and package will include the full version of the OP and ED.
“Youjo Shachou” is scheduled to be broadcast in January 2021, on the official website, official Twitter, and other streaming websites.
(C)Fujii Odeko, KADOKAWA Mujina Company