“Voice Actor Pajamas Conference in WINTER” with voice actors Yasumoto Hiroki and Aoi Shouta as MCs and many guests, including Namikawa Daisuke, Shoutaro Morikubo, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, and others, will be exclusively broadcast in real-time on ABEMA from 09:00 P.M. on November 22, 2020.

The “Voice Actor Pajamas Conference” has become an independent live-broadcast in May 2020 as a project of “Abema at Home”, aimed to spend a good time at home with “ABEMA”, since the need of staying home for a long time. With more than 10 voice actors dressed in pajamas and participating remotely, this program was ranked 2nd in the world trend and received a great response.

Namikawa Daisuke and Onosaka Masaya will continue to appear again this time on the “Voice Actor Pajamas Conference in WINTER”. Also, Eguchi Takuya, Nishiyama Koutaro, Morikubo Shotaro, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Yonaga Tsubasa, and Ishikawa Kaito will appear as guests. Yasumoto Hiroki and Aoi Shouta will be the main MCs again, and a total of 10 people in their pajamas will participate.

In addition to the main part, the “after-party” project immediately after, which had a great response last time, was also upgraded and will be performed. From 11:15 P. M. after the main part is broadcast, “Tipsy ‘Voice actor pajamas meeting – right after the main part!’ The after-party with all participants” will be broadcast live on “ABEMA PPV ONLINE LIVE”.

Moreover, a free digest version of “Voice Actor Pajamas Conference-Live Broadcast SP that looks at now and in the future”, which was broadcast on “ABEMA Video” in May, is also available for free.

“Voice Actor Pajamas Conference in WINTER” will be exclusively broadcast on “ABEMA” at 09:00 P.M. on November 22nd.

(C) AbemaTV, Inc.