“Rokudenashi Blues”, which was serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” by Morita Masanori and has over 50 million copies published, and the martial arts training wear brand “HODOPHILAX” will be releasing collab apparel. Pre-orders are currently available at “Premium Bandai”.

The collaboration items “Rokudenashi Blues × HODOPHILAX” features scenes where the protagonist Maeda Taison shows genuine passion for boxing, different from when he’s in fights.
There are a total of 5 items including a T-shirt with the design of the intense boxing scene and a zip-up hoodie with the illustration of Taison crying out from the cover of the final volume.

Each product is currently available for pre-order at “Premium Bandai”. Check out the official website for further information.

(C)Morita Masanori, Studio Hitman / Shueisha