Celebrating its 10th series “Rascal Does Not Dream of a Lost Singer”, “Seishun Buta Yaro” series released a new promotional video for its “College Arc” introducing the cast Ishikawa Kaito as Azusagawa Sakuta, Seto Asami as Sakurajima Mai, and Amemiya Sora as Hirokawa Uzuki. In the video, Sakuta and his friends are shown as now college students.
Since its first publishing on Apr. 2014 by Dengeki Bunko, the series “Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai” has been adapted into an anime on Oct. 2018 and a feature-length animated movie on Jun. 2019.
The long-awaited 10th series containing the “College Arc” is centered around Sakuta and his friends leading a college student life after finishing an unforgettable high-school journey.
The characters live a quiet life until during the beginning of the summer, when Uzuki, the leader of the idol group “Sweet Barrett”, starts acting weirdly. Oddly, Sakuta is the only one who notices her strange behavior. Is this a painful first encounter with puberty or…?
The newly released promotional video introduces the cast Ishikawa Kaito as Azusagawa Sakuta, Seto Asami as Sakurajima Mai, and Amemiya Sora as Hirokawa Uzuki, Touyama Nao as Koga Moe, Tanezaki Atsumi as Futaba Rio, Uchida Maaya as Toyohama Nodoka, Kubo Yurika as Azusagawa Kaede, and Minase Inori as Makinohara Shoko. The anime version cast colors the new adventures of newly turned college students.
The release date for “Rascal Does Not Dream of a Lost Singer” is Feb. 7, 2020.
Also, celebrating the release of the 10th series, special posters will be displayed at Itoen's vending machines in various Service Areas of the same name as the characters of the series, throughout Japan.
Service Areas that share the same name with characters
-Display places: Azusagawa SA, Sakurajima SA, Makinohara SA, Koga SA, Futaba SA, Toyohama SA, Hirokawa SA
-Display Date: From Feb. 7, 2020
*The display date may vary based on the region
*The poster will be displayed only on vending machines by Itoen