"The Given" written by Kizu Natsuki will be made into a movie! It was announced that the movie would be released from Boys Love animation label 「BLUE LYNX」 in 2020. At the same time, a teaser visual and promotional video featuring Haruki and Akihiko. The origins of "The Given" lie in the comic written by Kizu Natsuki.
It has been serialized in 「Cheri +」 and TV series was broadcast in July ,2019. The TV series drew much attention as Noitamina's first Boys Love comic that became animation.
This movie waswill be announced after the last episode of the TV anime"Given" on September 19. Unlike the TV series that depicts sweet but painful love between Mafuyu and Ritsuka,
the movie seems to focus on the bitter and passionate love relationshiplove of adult members, Haruki, Akihiko, and Uzuki.
(C) Kizu Natsuki , Shinshokan / Given Production Committee
Given – The Movie will be released in 2020 on 「BLUE LYNX」