To commemorate the 15th anniversary of “Rakudai Majo” series (Written by Narita Satoko, Illustrated by Chino Enaga) that is published by Poplar Publishing, the animated film has been announced. Also, the teaser visual that depicts the main lead Fuuka by the original illustrator Chino Enaga has been released.
“Rakudai Majo” series (Poplar Pocket Bunko) is a children book depicting the exciting adventure of the witch apprentice Fuuka and her slight first love. The series has released a total of 18 volumes, including “Rakudai Majo wa Princess”, and the fan highly anticipated anime adaption has been announced.
Do look forward to the future announcement on the official website for more information.
(C) Narita Satoko, Chino Enaga, Poplar Publishing/ Anime “Rakudai Majo” Production Committee