“Sailor Moon Eternal: The Movie” launches a collaboration project with the brand “PUNYUS” produced by Watanabe Naomi. Fashion items featuring the mascot “Super Sailor Chibi Naomi Moon” are currently available for ordering at “Premium Bandai”.

The collaborative lineup features items such as the ‘“Sailor Moon Eternal: The Movie” x PUNYUS Super Sailor Chibi Naomi Moon Dress T-Shirt’ and the “Super Sailor Chibi Moon Coin Purse”.

The puff sleeve high neck dress T-shirt comes printed in the chest area with an illustration of the mascot “Super Sailor Chibi Naomi Moon”.
The sleeves are compact and shine with illustrations of gadgets from the series, whilst the gathered skirt adds a touch of softness to the item’s silhouette.

The impactful “Coin Purse” stands out as it is shaped after the face of “Super Sailor Chibi Naomi Moon”. On the backside a detailed embroiled logo can be found, making it an exciting item to carry around.

“Sailor Moon Eternal: The Movie” x PUNYUS Super Sailor Chibi Naomi Moon Dress T-Shirt’ is priced at 6,600JPY (tax included), and the “Super Sailor Chibi Moon Coin Purse” is priced at 3,300JPY (tax included). Pre-orders are available until 23:00 of September 9, 2021, at “Premium Bandai”, with shipping scheduled for October.

(C) Takeuchi Naoko – PNP – Toei Animation