From the TV anime “Delicious Party Pretty Cure”, the synopsis and preview cuts of episode 17, , have been released. The episode will be aired on Sunday, July 3.

“Delicious Party Pretty Cure” is the 19th series of the “Pretty Cure” franchise of which the story centers around new Pretty Cure girls who are committed to protecting people’s “delicious smiles” in Oishina Town, a town where delicious food from all over the world gathers.

The title for episode 17 is “The Fourth Pretty Cure!? Amane’s Choice”.

CooKing and CooQueen are surprised when “something” is suddenly born at the Cooking Dam. Meanwhile, Yui and her friends meet Amane, who finally arrives at school and thanks them.

That day after school, the “something” is transferred from the Cooking Dam, and a parfait Recipepe pops out of the Heart Cure Watch. According to Pam-Pam and Mem-Mem’s interpretation, it wants to cheer up Akane and ask them to take it to her.
As they head to Fruit Parlor KASAI, where they find Amane telling Moe Yamakura, the vice president of the student council, that she was resigning as student council president.

Episode 17 of the TV anime “Delicious Party Pretty Cure”, “The Fourth Pretty Cure!? Amane’s Choice”, will be broadcast on Sunday, July 3 from 8:30 a.m. on ABC and TV Asahi networks nationwide at 24 stations.

(C) ABC-A, Toei Animation