The manga “Tokyo Revengers”, of which a new anime series has been announced, will release its third character book “Tenjiku Arc” on June 17, 2022.

“Tokyo Revengers” is a delinquent boys manga serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” since 2017 by Ken Wakui, the author known for “Shinjuku Swan”.
It was adapted into a TV anime with the title of “Tokyo Revengers”, and the 1st season depicting episodes 1 to the “Bloody Halloween Arc” was broadcast from April to September 2021. The sequel movie “Holy Night Decisive Battle Arc” was also announced in December of the same year.

The main character is Takemichi Hanagaki, a helpless part-time worker who is at the bottom of his life. Takemichi learns that Hinata Tachibana, the only girlfriend he had in junior high school, has been killed by the Tokyo Manjikai, a group of the worst delinquents. The day after learning of the incident, Takemichi is on a station platform when someone pushes him back and he falls to the tracks, preparing to die, but when he opens his eyes, he is somehow transported back to the peak of his life, 12 years ago in junior high school. In order to save his girlfriend and change himself who had kept running away from things, Takemichi begins to take revenge on his life.

“Tokyo Revengers Character Book 3: Tenjiku Arc” is full of unpublished information, focusing on the characters of “Tenjiku Arc”.
Not only the profiles of the main characters, but also the “House Layout” & “BEST3 of Everything” illustrations drawn by Wakui, the original drawing exhibition “TOKYO Revengers EXHIBITION” which was a great success, and the episode “Tenjiku” and the full-color version of popular “Episode 168” is also a must-see.

“Tokyo Revengers Character Book 3: Tenjiku Arc” will be available on June 17 for 935 JPY (tax included).